Drew Cowen

Drew Cowen



Drew has completed a Bachelor of Science (Psychology), Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Counselling) and Masters of Psychology. He is a full member of the Australian Psychological Society and member of the College of Forensic Psychologists and the Child, Adolescent and Family Psychology special interest group. Drew is also a member of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. Drew has undertaken evidence based and best practice research, presented at regional and national conferences and lectured to post graduate students.

Drew has worked with children, adolescents, adults and families for over 30 years including over 10 years as a Family Consultant and Child Expert to the Family Law Courts. Drew has many years of experience working in high conflict mediation and conflict resolution within families and broader systems. Drew has extensive experience in conducting child centred family assessments and providing advice to Courts as an expert witness.

Drew’s current clinical practice specialises in childhood developmental disorders and mental health including anxiety, anger and behavioural issues. Drew works with children, adolescents and adults individually and also as part of relationship groups. 

Drew is outcome focused and committed to working with families to strengthen relationships and create mutually supportive and respectful environments. He enjoys working with children, adolescents and adults who find themselves in unfamiliar and very stressful situations. Drew’s clinical practice is strengths based and allows solutions to be developed and successfully implemented.