Terri Kelly

Terri Kelly



Terri Kelly is a psychologist who has worked in the areas of child protection and family law since 1989. Terri commenced work in Family Law in 2008, as a Family Consultant at the Townsville Registry of the Family Court. In 2013, she moved to private practice and expanded her work to both clinical and forensic work. While she continues her forensic role as a Single Expert and Regulation 7 Family Consultant, she also provides clinical services to children and their parents by engaging in court ordered reportable therapy for families and coparenting support as a Parent Coordinator. She also provides supervision and mentoring to other mental health professionals working with complex issues for children and families.

Terri is committed to maintaining a clinical practice with the most distressed families, rather than working exclusively in a forensic role. The clinical understanding of the many day-to-day ‘micro’ struggles that families can face after separation is a valuable lens she uses when formulating evaluations and recommendations for Single Expert reports.

Terri’s home base is in Bangalow, Northern NSW, and she regularly travels to Sydney to provide clinical intensives for clients and to complete interviews for Single Expert reports. As a ‘remote’ practitioner, she has fully embraced telehealth and travel as part of her lifestyle, and she is able to travel both interstate or internationally.